Davies Design Connections Team
Project collaborators, students and teachers from the William M. Davies Jr. Career + Technical High School, on the campus of RISD.
Edible Edifices
Design Challenge: Use the foods provided to construct an architectural structure that is self-supporting. Constraints: Use only the materials provided. Work in teams or individually.
Design Connections: Curriculum Tools for Design Education
Leidtke, Amy, Design Connections: Curriculum Tools for Design Education: A set of design skill-building projects for middle and high school students, Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design, Rhode Island School of Design, 2009.
As a result of my some of my experiences at RISD's Project Open Door, I was able to further develop and field test unique design studio projects with high school students. User verification is one of the important ways in which designers engage in the design process, gaining empathy for and understanding of the user(s) through interviewing, testing, reflecting, and refining. I documented some of the work by writing a workbook for design educators, Design Connections: Curriculum Tools for Design Education. It features a set of design skill-building projects for middle and high school students. This project idea was originally conceived and encouraged by Paul Sproll, Head, Department of Teaching + Learning in Art + Design, RISD.
Invent a Toy
Design Challenge: Invent a toy , using only tagboard and string. Constraints: Avoid making a toy that already exists. Do not use additional materials.